Glassware Photography with Refraction of Light

Glassware Photography with Refraction of Light

"Discover the Art of Capturing Stunning Glassware Shots with Refraction Techniques - Let the Magic of Light Boost Your Glassware Photography Skills!"

Instructor: Deep Bhatia, MFIP, EFIAP, FIIPCLanguage: Hindi, English


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पेमेंट करने के एकदम बाद, कोर्स पर जाने के लिए, रजिस्टर्ड ईमेल पर भेजे गए पासवर्ड और यूजर आईडी की मदद से लॉगिन करें| उसके बाद डैशबोर्ड क्लिक करें

 699 रुपए में कोर्स खरीदने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

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                                                       DEEP BHATIA                                                            


( Any one can do this type of Photography by following the instructions givin in this Course )

Course Curriculum

Course Feedback


Unlock the secrets of Glassware Photography, a unique genre that beautifully melds the play of light through reflection, refraction, bending, and inversion. Dive into a world of stunning glassware imagery and elevate your photography skills!   Lifetime Access  to class recordings  and  videos.  Enhanced  Experience  with  Desktop & Android App
Real-time sync between the Android App and Web.    Meet Your Mentor: Deep Bhatia, with an incredible 38 years of photography experience who has won over 600 National and International Awards, boasting 6000 Acceptances and 11 distinctions. He's passionate about sharing his vast knowledge and expertise.  
What You'll Learn:
  • Introduction, Scope & Concept of Glassware Photography
  • Do’s and Don’ts for capturing the perfect shot
  • Tips, Tricks, and Rules of Photography
  • Creating wallpapers using Photoshop
  • Crafting compositions with diverse wallpapers
  • Curating a collection of Glassware props (ideas)
  • Harnessing the power of Refraction, Bending, and Inversion in your shots
  • Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Enroll now at the unbelievable price of Rs 999 (58% discount)  
  • Enroll here: Glassware Photography Course

Learners REVIEWS & testimonials 

Avinash little , Lucknow 

Attending DEEP BHATIA JI's courses/classes I am reliving the student life again. His way of explaining is remarkable for any beginner/ new learner as well as to those experienced ones too. No matter how much of working experience one has in his or her photographic journey, there is always scope to learn more or something new. I would highly encourage those who are in the starting stage or wish to learn seriously they should join DEEP BHATIA JI's courses. I guarantee you will no where get cheaper paid real valuable learning on any other professional platform.

Dr Salam Lincoln, Imphal 

The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement." He is known for his patience in solving doubts and has a friendly approach towards students. He also specializes in explaining concepts in a simple way with the help of practical examples. He helps students unwrap their capabilities at different times. I'm grateful to have such an awesome teacher like you. Thank you for all the wisdom you shared and setting a great example. Really enjoyed your lectures, your way of teaching is so unique that it makes learning enjoyable. You not only guide us related to subject but also ours technical difficulties Thank you soooooo much sir for your efforts to build us..

Dr Tulika Saha, Kolkata 

Having completed the Indoor Portrait Photography course, I can't express how profoundly transformative and personally enriching this journey has been. The course structure, blending assignments with immersive online practical classes, has reshaped my approach to photography. These practical classes, under the mentorship of Deep Bhatia sir, made theory come alive and ignited a renewed passion for visual storytelling. It's not just a course; it's an invitation to a creative odyssey that I wholeheartedly recommend to fellow photography enthusiasts. Dive in and discover a world where every click captures emotions and every frame tells a unique story.

learners  REVIEWS & testimonials 

Indranil Chakravarty                                      Kolkata, 12.09.23

Being a part of the recently concluded online Indoor Portrait Photography course conducted by our beloved and extremely knowledgeable Sir, Mr. Deep Bhatia has been one of the most beneficial things in my life. His deep knowledge about various genres of photography and art (both theoritical as well as practical) and immense editing skills which he does with absolute ease very aptly syncs with his name. Sir's meticulous and proactive ways of teaching make the entire session very lively and engrossing. With due respect to all my teachers, mentors, guides that I have come across in various phases of my life, I must admit that teachers like Deep Sir are hard to find. I am also overwhelmed by the huge collection of awards he has in his baggage which itself speaks volumes about his great artisitic and aesthetic skills. Indeed what a talent !! Really feels proud to be associated with such a personality. I have done multiple online courses under him and am currently doing another course in Still Life Photography which is also being quite brilliantly conducted as always. Will certainly recommend others to join his courses as the great advantage of his curriculum is the fact that one is able to even watch the recorded version of the entire class for future references or in case one is unable to attend some sessions. Morever, in my opinion the fees for his courses seem to be quite reasonable considering the time period of the courses and the amount of information that is shared by him. I for sure will definitely be a part of his other photography courses in the future. I will always be praying for a very healthy and prolonged life of Sir for many more years to come to keep on being the active guiding light for many aspirant students like me. With best regards.

Mohan Miitra                                                    Kolkata, 28.07.23

My take away from the ongoing classes on Creative and Surreal Photography 1. Sir is aware of every nuts and bolts of Photoshop including its latest version Beta. He has spent lots of time to become a master of it. Each and every tools, sub tools their various applications are within his finger tips. With his generous heart Sir has shared everything to its students- from the senior most to a new entrant in this field 2. Sir is a great Photo Artist with a creative mind, the students have got the guidance how to exercise our mind to become a photo Artist and prepare surreal composition. 3. I am fortunate enough to have a chance to share virtual classroom with so many leading /champion photo artist of the country. Sir is the Champion of the Champions 4. The opportunity to submit assignments after each class and evaluation by Sir and other senior photographers is a rare opportunity to learn for a inept student like me. 5. Sir has a unique quality to encourage others, always try to find the positive things from a not so successful works of juniors. 6. After attending the classes, I have discovered mask tool in a new paradigm . How easily a part of image can be edited, developed converted to a wonderful composition using Mask tool was beyond my perception. 7. In my opinion more assignment submission opportunity should be included in the course. It will benefit the not so experienced students in two ways viz Sir and other seniors may identify the mistakes done and others may have the opportunity to come across the creations of Sir and other leading Artists of the country

Binay Rawal                                                    Varanasi, 28.07.23

ज़िन्दगी में ढेर सारे वाकिये और घटनाएं होते रहती हैं. कुछ हमें अच्छे लगतें हैं और कुछ बुरे. हर वक़्त, सब कुछ अच्छा ही घटे, ये तो मुमकिन नहीं. किन्तु दिप भाटिया सर से मुलाक़ात हो पाना मेरे जीवन की चुनिंदा सबसे अच्छी घटनाओं में से एक है. भाटिया सर से मेरी पहली बढ़िया मुलाकात चंडीगढ़ में एक कार्यशाला के दौरान हुई थी जब मेरा चंडीगढ़ जाना विशेष रूप से उस कार्यशाला में सम्मिलित होने के लिए ही हुआ था. इत्तेफाक ऐसा की वह कार्यशाला भी अतियथार्थवादी छायांकन से ही सम्बंधित थी. वहां चित्रों को अपने लैपटॉप पर कक्षा में ही बनाकर दिखाना होता था. कार्यशाला कुल दो दिन की थी किन्तु यकीन मानिये मज़ा आ गया. कुछ अच्छे दोस्त भी बने जो २०१६ से आज तक साथ निभा रहे हैं. वैसे तो भाटिया सर का बनारस आना २०१४ में ही हुआ था फेडरेशन ऑफ़ इंडियन फोटोग्राफी के कन्वेंशन के दौरान. किन्तु आयोजन समिति में जुड़े होने की वजह से उस वक़्त उतना मिल पाना संभव न हो सका. इनसे मैंने क्या सीखा, यह तो मेरी जो कुछ भी फोटोग्राफी क्षेत्र की उपलब्धियां (सम्मान व विशेष योग्यता) हैं वे ही बयां करतीं हैं. किन्तु कंप्यूटर को चालू करके फोटोशॉप कोई खोल भर ले तो भी भाटिया सर फोटोशॉप के उस अति निम्न जानकार छात्र से एक अवार्ड विनिंग तस्वीर तो बनवा ही लेंगें. मैंने अपने सम्पूर्ण जीवन में इनके जैसा शिक्षक / ट्रेनर न देखा न पाया. यूट्यूब में लाखों वीडियो पड़ें हैं पर यदि सब काम उन वीडियो से ही हो जाता तो भाटिया सर सरीखे महान गुरुओं की क्या आवश्यकता थी. मैंने इनका जीरकपुर, चंडीगढ़ का स्टूडियो भी देखा, ये बतातें हैं की सीखने के दौरान ये सुबह दैनिक क्रियाओं से निवृत्त होकर जो सुबह ६.३० बजे अपने बेसमेंट में बनाये स्टूडियो में चले जाते थे तो फिर दोपहर के भोजन के अलावा सीधे देर रात को ही निकलते थे. वाटर ड्रॉपलेट के अलावा मैंने इनके सारे कोर्स किये हैं और कई कोर्स तो २-३ बार भी कर चूका हूँ किन्तु प्रत्येक बार कोई न कोई नयी विधा मिलती है.भाटिया सर के छात्र पुरे भारतवर्ष के अलावा विदेशों में भी छाये हुए हैं. भाटिया सर और उनके ज़ज़्बे को सलाम... Binay Kumar Rawal Gueat Lecturer in Visual Arts (Banaras Hindu University) AFIAP, ESFIP, EFIP, Hon. & GPA PESGSPC, 

About the course

In this course, you will learn how to create stunning glassware photographs using the refraction of light technique. Throughout the course, you will gain an understanding of the science and art of refraction photography and the importance of lighting and composition. You'll also learn how to create different types of wallpapers using Photoshop, which you can then use to add interest and depth to your images.

You will also learn the  rules of composition and the fundamentals of design, which will help you create visually compelling images that draw the viewer's eye.You will learn the different types of glassware and their features that make them ideal for refraction photography. You will also be taught how the angle of refraction and focal length affect the quality of the photograph. Also in this course, you will also be provided with practical tips and tricks on preparation, using props, and styling the shot for a perfect outcome. 

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to capture captivating glassware photographs using the refraction technique. You will also have the required skills and knowledge to transform ordinary objects into eye-catching works of art, making you stand out as a professional photographer.  Whether you're a professional photographer looking to expand your skills or a hobbyist looking to explore a new genre of photography, this course has something for everyone. So why wait?  

Review & Testimonials 


Embark on a captivating journey through the lens of Deep Bhatia, a distinguished artist who has left an indelible mark on the world of photography. With a profound passion for the art form, Deep's photographic voyage commenced as a hobby in 1986 during his tenure as an Economic Officer in the Government of India. Since his retirement, he has dedicated his life to the realm of Photo Art, both as a creator and a mentor, nurturing the talents of emerging artists.

Deep Bhatia's odyssey spans over 38 illustrious years, where he has garnered an astonishing collection of over 600 National and International Awards and more than 6000 Acceptances in prestigious National and International Salons, Competitions, and Exhibitions.

Deep Bhatia's influence extends far beyond his own accolades. His profound commitment to sharing the wealth of knowledge amassed over his journey has enriched the lives of over 10,000 photography enthusiasts. Through webinars, classes, workshops, lectures, and personal coaching, he has ignited the spark of creativity in countless individuals. Many of his students have flourished in their respective photographic pursuits, a testament to his remarkable mentorship.

Amid the challenges of the pandemic, Deep Bhatia pioneered a series of online classes in his specialized genres. This is an unique combination of Live Classes and Recorded Courses and focused on:

1. Still Life Photography 2. Glassware Photography, 3. Photoshop for Photographers, 4. Creative & Surreal Photography (Photoshop), 5. Studio Portraiture (Traditional – Low Key & High Key), 6. Water Droplet Photography (Basic with single Dropper),7. Water Droplet Photography (Advanced with 3 Droppers)

For Deep Bhatia, photography is more than an art form; it's an enduring journey shared with his students. Together, they explore uncharted territories, embrace challenges, and celebrate the beauty of creativity. As Deep Bhatia continues to enrich the world of photography through his ingenuity and mentorship, his legacy shines as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.


Course Completion Certificate 

Course Completion Certificate is rewarded to those learners who have completed 100% course items in this course.

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